Version 6.25 from 18 January, 1999
All buttons in the editor now react to MouseUp events in the way routinely used on Apple computers. The function
is therefore not carried out until the mouse button has been released. This has the advantage that the task can
still be cancelled by moving the mouse away from the button.
In case of the command MAT A#()=B#(), the matrix B#() is now correctly assigned to
the matrix A#() and no longer the opposite as it had been up to now.
The command MAC_OS now also functions properly when floating-point variables are
passed. This
means that you can utilize the "PowerPC Numerics" of the Mac OS immediately and directly, for example,
when the command MAC_OS Y#;2,"erf",X# in Y# returns the value of the
error function. Detailed information about this and other functions can be found in "Inside Macintosh, PowerPC
Problems during the use of line numbers have been eliminated.
Version 6.24 from 9 November, 1998
Starting immediately, it is possible that a file with the source code of a program (.BAS) can possess a
resource fork. This resource fork may be used to store such items as icons for the program and their appropriate
files or may be used to define user-specific mouse cursors. However, in order to perform this task, you will need
a resource editor (e.g., ResEdit by Apple, which may be downloaded free of charge from the
Apple homepage). This resource fork will then be added to the executable program by the compiler. The compiler
will enter a few additional resources, which are needed by Omikron Basic itself. In order to avoid conflicts, you
should assign your own resources only resource IDs equal or larger than 256.
The command SHR functions now
correctly even if the right side does not contain any constant but a numerical expression instead.
The screen saver has been improved
and the screen should no longer display any leftover black spots.
A double-click will only then be interpreted as such if both clicks are within one and the same window and the
mouse has been moved not more than 4 pixels between each click. This takes care of undesirable search function
calls caused by two or more single mouse clicks following one another too rapidly.
The searching of tokens using double-clicks
within the program text was improved as well. Recognition of tokens is now more reliable.
Procedure and function
calls, for which the parameters in the calling command are being calculated, no longer
produce erroneous passing values (e.g., Proc1(FN Func1,FN Func2,A*SIN(B)).
Version 6.23 vom 17.9.1998
From now on the functions ASC, CVI, CVIL, CVS, and CVD do not report an error but
return zero if the passed string is too short. Therefor the nonfatal error messages have to be turned off (Error_messages 0).
The management of arrays with 3 or more dimensions has been optimized. So, programs which use such arrays are compiled
shorter and execute faster.
An error which occured with a multi indirect pointer access with different variable types has been eleminated (e.g. E=*A(*B%(C,D))).
When clicking on the scroll elements of a window, the editor waits 0.25 sec before it starts the auto repeat. So,
it is possible to scroll precisely one line or one page without immediately running out of the document.
Version 6.22 from August 17, 1998
The limits imposed on the number of elements for the fields created with DIM has been lifted. Now fields may be as large as 2 gigabytes.
MOUSEBUT now also supports mice with two or three
buttons and returns values between 0 and 7, depending on the pressed button.
By popular request, the drawing color set with LINE COLOR and not the fill color is going to be applied when using
OUTLINE. LINE WIDTH and MODE are also taken into consideration
when determining the outer line.
An error occurring during the concurrent sorting of string fields was eliminated as well.
The menu option 'Compare Text ...' in the 'Find Menu' has been improved
a little bit.
Version 6.21 from 27 July, 1998
The command TEXT ROTATION= was reintegrated into the command
You may now compare individual program texts using the menu option 'Compare Text
...' in the 'Find Menu'.
A few small errors regarding the SORT command, string comparison, and the editor
function 'Cut' and 'Copy' were corrected.
A potential error occurring when very long sequential files were retrieved was eliminated as well.
Version 6.20 from 14 July, 1998
The error with MAT CLEAR (last element was not deleted) was redressed. Now MAT INV functions correctly even if
the field is dimensioned for more lines than indicated behind INV. In addition, inserting text before the LIBRARY
line now functions correctly as well. The function VAL now also processes strings like for instance "1.234
D -56". This means, that there are space characters allowed between the fraction part and the "D" as well as between the exponent and the "D". The menu entry 'Default Colors' from the 'Mode' menu now
restores the color look up table of the actual graphics device to its original setting.
A new compiler control word was included. COMPILER "STRING
+|*X" makes it possible to customize the string management in Omikron Basic to satisfy
a variety of personal requirements. The Extension Library was expanded by the procedure Get_System_Folder. This procedure may be used to determine the location of the system folder and subfolders, respectively.
Version 6.19 - dated 1 July, 1998
The problem, some users had with a few printer drivers when printing a program listing, has been fixed.
In the dialog box Mode/Preferences you can now choose 11 and 13 points for text size. Therefore 22 and 24 points
have been removed because such a large text is uncomfortable for programming purposes.
Version 6.18 - dated 8 June, 1998
The Extension Library was expanded with the procedure Get_Window_Offset; however, the most significant new feature is the integrated Library
Maker, which can be called via the menu option 'Make
Library' in the program menu. This can now be used to create user-own libraries. Corresponding
samples are contained in the folder DEMO.
Version 6.17 from 2 June, 1998
The ExtensionLibrary was expanded by a few commands, which will make it possible to modify or inquire after the
file type, file creator, and the finder flags of a file. They are in detail as follows: FN
Get_File_Type, FN Get_File_Creator, FN
Get_Finder_Flags, Set_File_Type, Set_File_Creator
, and Set_Finder_Flags.
Version 6.16 from 27 April, 1998
The function PI returns now the correct value (the last 6 digit were wrong peviously).
The editor function 'Replace Text ... ' whith
'query' has been improved. The marked text is easier to read now and the query box can be moved on the screen.
The Extension Library has been expanded with the functions FN Microseconds#, FN Ser_Get_Buf, and Ser_Reset.
Version 6.15 from 23 March, 1998
Some bugs occuring with the editor functions 'Cut', 'Copy', and 'Paste have been removed.
Using FILL X,Y,C for C the value -1 can be assigned again.
BOX X1,Y1 TO X2,Y2 and similar commands are also working now if X2<X1 and/or Y2<Y1.
With BOX X,Y,W,H now negative values can be passed in W and H. The Box then is drawn to the top left corner.
Version 6.14 from 22 February, 1998
A few bugs were removed.
Version 6.12 from 2 February, 1998
The scroll arrows of Omikron Basic's output windows now also function correctly with System 8. A few re-draw
problems under System 8 have been corrected as well. The editor now offers the option to either write out floating
point numbers normally or to display them in an exponential notation.
Program listings can now also be printed in color, as long as a color printer is connected to the computer. See
also 'Print...'.
Version 6.11 from 19 January, 1998
A few bugs concerning the printout of the Omikron Basic output windows were removed.
Version 6.10 from 8 January, 1998
PATTERN are now also implemented. The compiler was further optimized regarding the translation of SELECT...CASE...END_SELECT
structures resulting in faster execution speeds and shorter codes. A considerably higher execution speed
is the case especially when the structure calls procedures with parameters that are floating point numbers.
The Omikron Basic Output Windows now offer scroll bars
as a standard feature. This means that it is now possible to open windows that exceed the physical size of the
The SCREEN command can now also be used in order to modify the size and
position of an already existing window.
The menu item 'Save As...' in the menu for the Omikron Basic output
windows now saves data in the 'PICT' format, facilitating their import into other programs. The same applies
to BSAVE. Accordingly it is possible to load 'PICT' images with 'Open...'
and BLOAD respectively.
The extension library was extended with the function FN Get_Font_Number
and the procedure Set_Scroll_Parameter.
Version 6.09 from 22 December, 1997
When setting preferences in the mode menu it is now also possible to use Close
Compiler Windows Automatically. This has the effect that the compiler window will close automatically once
the compilation has been completed successfully.
Omikron Basic now attempts to round up or down when translating floating point numbers into strings. For example,
0.999999.... is output as 1.
Version 6.08 from 15 December, 1997
MODE <string expression> and FILL
<X>,<Y>,<outline color> are now available.
Version 6.07 from 8 December, 1997
NOISE can be used effective immediately. However, the syntax of these commands
has been changed.
The serial modem interface can now be opened using OPEN "V".
INLINE and USR are immediately available
to call machine programs.
Other programs can now be launched as child processes using EXEC.
When setting editor preferences, it is now possible to chose between vector
fonts and bitmap fonts.
Version 6.06 from 22 December, 1997
The menu 'Block' was renamed to 'Edit' and equipped
with additional options such as 'Undo Line', 'Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'Clear' and 'Select All'. The menu item 'Insert
Block' was converted to 'Paste Token Code' and the menu item 'Move Block' was renamed to 'Move Token Code'. The
menu option 'Page Setup ...' is now to be found in the file menu instead of the program menu. These changes were
implemented in order to achieve optimal agreement with Apple's 'Human Interface Guidelines'.
For this purpose, new shortcuts and different colors for the dialog boxes were implemented as well (different gray
tones) and stored in the NEWOMBAS.INF file. Those users who prefer working with the previous keyboard combinations
and colors may use the file NEWOMBAS.INF.Omikron.
The choices for color-coding and other color settings were significantly improved through the use of a popup menu
in the dialog 'Color Preferences'. The desired color can now be picked from
a palette of 256 colors using the mouse.
The compiler was further optimized, resulting in shorter and faster programs.
Version 6.05 from 4 October, 1997
The SCREEN command is now also available in a version with
5 parameters.
If images, which were previously saved with BLOAD, are now loaded with
BSAVE, an automatic adaptation to the respective pixel depth and
dimensions of the current graphics port is effected.
The preferences available for Short Cuts were adapted to Apple's 'Human
Interface Guidelines'.
Version 6.04 from 6 October, 1997
The command BITBLT may now be used in all its variations. A VT52
emulator was implemented for PRINT and LPRINT.
OPEN "P" may now be used.
The command CMD is now available; however, it effects only PRINT and WRITE.
It is now possible to use SCREEN in the syntax SCREEN No,Width,Height.
A new Omikron Basic output window is opened in each case.
New Control Words for the Compiler:
New Functions of the ExtensionLibrary:
FN Get_Window_Ptr(S)
FN Get_G_World_Ptr(S)